Inspire and nourish curiosity, encourage confidence and collaboration. Build on the present for the future.
GUMBO AND GOLD TEETH • Zakia and Darreyana talk about family. 6th Grade, Aptos Middle School.
VENGA BAILAR • Brieanna tries her hand at stop frame photo animation. 8th Grade, Aptos Middle School.
HIP HOP GRAFFITI • Aptos Aerosol Art Club works on a school yard mural. Grades 6-8.
EARTH, TAKE CARE OF HER • Brieanna talks about her native country, the planet, and our responsibilities.
I LOVE DOGS • One of Kameya's many creative endeavours and a fascination with the early iPod campaign. 6th grade, Aptos Middle School.
SNEAKERS AND HOODIES • Two 6th graders are inspired by Photoshop and a few of their favorite things.
I WANT TO TAKE A PICTURE • Harvey Milk kids talk about their school. Grades K-5.
MONKEY BUSINESS • Simple drawings and photos come alive with a very creative soundtrack. 7th grade.
LIGHTS ON • Students document their experience through video, photos, and an original soundtrack.
BOOM BOOM POW • This 6th grader loved drawing and then tried her hand at designing with Photoshop.
REDUCE WORLD SUCK! • Two students from different grades and backgrounds join forces for a cause.